Frequently Asked Questions

Will it be noisy?
Concrete poured skateparks are known to be the quietest skate surface available. They have low decibel readings and are no louder than a playground. This is one reason why we've chosen to make our skatepark from poured concrete.

Will it be an eyesore?
We are collaborating with renowned skatepark designer Steve Rodriguez as well as a local Landscape Architect to design & landscape an impressive park that will appeal to the love of nature that Hastings is known for.

Didn’t we have a skatepark and it failed?
The previous “skatepark” wasn't actually an official skatepark, it was a quarter pipe placed in a poor location that the left to neglect until it was removed. There was no Parks and Rec involvement in the building of this structure. The number one reason skateparks fail is due to poor design and location.

Who is liable if someone gets injured?
NY State laws have changed over the recent years and skateparks are now under the same umbrella as other recreational fields.

Where is the location?
After nearly two and a half years of searching with the Parks Department there are two viable sites. One is the Burke Estate and one is Zinsser. Burke Estate been generously allocated by the Board of Ed, and the zinsser parking lot is already village land. It's also important for our site to be visible and integrated into current recreation facilities for safety and accessibility. Most skateboarders are pedestrians. Having the park next integrated into existing recreation sites is also important.

Isn't skateboarding just a trend?
Skateboarding popularity is growing and likely to see even more growth now that it's an elite sport debuting at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo this summer. It's here to stay! Skateboarding is currently taught at Hillside Elementary and this would provide a structured site for enhanced instruction.

What will the hours of operation be?
It will be open from dawn to dusk like the rest of the playgrounds, parks, and fields in Hastings.

Will it be lighted?
No. It will be open from dawn to dusk.

How will the park be maintained?
Concrete skateparks are low maintenance and last for many many years. There will be brooms available for community skaters to use if needed to sweep out leaves.

How much will it cost to build?
Concrete skateparks average around $40-$50 per sq/ft. We are looking at just under 5000 sq/ft. (Keep in mind the average skatepark is 10,000 sq ft.). We plan to work with the Village, apply for grants and have already collected $25,000 in pledges.

Who will use this park?
Skateparks draw visitors of all ages and a diversity of backgrounds. There will be parents with their kids, young people teaching older people, poor and the wealthy, friendships being made that would otherwise not meet. It will be a safe and inclusive place for people to have fun and challenge themselves in our community.