Geological Survey Update
On June 29, 2022, a geological survey of the proposed skatepark was performed with the help of HOH local and geologist-extraordinaire, Patrick Diggins. The proposed site on the Burke Estate comprises shallow bedrock (a unit called the Fordham Gneiss) overlain by approximately 3 feet of sandy soil. The depth to bedrock varied across the area from less than two feet to as much as five feet thick. On average, we have about 3 feet of excavation until reaching bedrock.
What does this mean? Well, it poses a challenge to the design of the park, especially with regards to carving out a deep bowl for skaters. Luckily, the pro's at 5th Pocket Skateparks have this information and will use the natural grade of the hill to design and construct a park that takes the natural landscape into consideration.
Coming soon.... the proposed DESIGN!!!